Special Projects

Documenting Dutch Cricket


Collaborator/Client: Koninklijke Nederlandse Cricket Bond (KNCB)

Cricket has been played in The Netherlands for almost 140 years. It has not been the most popular sport for most of this period. However, the Dutch cricket community is passionate even though small; the history of the sport here is rich and compelling. Through a series of videos and podcasts, I have tried to document stories that constitute the history, current trends, and future anxieties and aspirations around cricket in The Netherlands.

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Planet and Food


Collaborator/Client: League for Pastoral Peoples and Endogenous Livestock Development (Germany), Grebbeveld Schapen en Zo (The Netherlands), Jaisalmer Dairy (India), The Microbiota Vault (Switzerland)

As we hit the boundaries of the resources we can extract out of the planet without serious consequences to the environment and human health, we need to consider what we should consume, and how much. This series of videos explores several dimensions of these questions, and some emerging responses.

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CoVID-19 effects in Kenya and India


Collaborator/Client: Suvojit Chattopadhyay (ASI Africa), Liby Johnson (Gram Vikas)

Humanity was going through its regular motions of wars, Olympics, trade, politics, and viral videos, when the CoVID19 pandemic brought the world to a sudden standstill. What was supposed to be a public health crisis led to social, political, economic upheavals; and shone a light on fundamental shortcomings in our societies. The most vulnerable, obviously, bore the brunt of it all. In collaboration with Liby Johnson (Gram Vikas, India) and Suvojit Chattopadhyay (ASI Africa), I produced a 3-part video series on how all this unfolded in Kenya and India.

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Brexit and The Netherlands


Collaborator/Client: Joris Luyendijk

Geographically, culturally, and economically, The Netherlands and UK are close and intertwined. How did Brexit affect this particular relationship? With inputs from bestselling author and journalist Joris Luyendijk, I put together a video series analyzing that.

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The Cultural Heritage of Water


Collaborator/Client: ICOMOS Netherlands

Our water resources and our water management endeavors contribute in no small measure to our cultural heritage. Can this heritage inspire us to come up with solutions for current and future problems, such as climate change? Shot partly in The Netherlands and partly at the New York Water Week (April 2023), this video is a compilation of a range of perspectives in this regard—those of technocrats, scientists, religious leaders, and representatives of indigenous communities.

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World Soil Day messages


Collaborator/Client: World Soil Museum, ISRIC-World Soil Information

Co-scripted, shot and edited video messages from the two institutions on World Soil Day 2022 (December 5)

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